Request a Speaker

Request a Speaker


The CAMI Speakers Bureau is an exclusive database of professionals within the cybersecurity industry. 

  • Need a knowledgeable cybersecurity speaker for an upcoming presentation to your membership about cybersecurity risks, ways to mitigate them and how to respond?
  • Trying to locate a cybersecurity topic expert to serve on a panel for an upcoming conference or special program?
  • Looking for a cybersecurity professional to enlighten students on careers in the cybersecurity industry?
  • Seeking volunteers for your cybersecurity activity?

Whatever your need, the Cybersecurity Association of Maryland, Inc. (CAMI) can help identify the right guest speakers, panel/program participants, mentors or volunteers for you. Contact Sam Bell, CAMI's Speaker's Bureau Committee Chair, using the form below, and he and CAMI's staff will work together to connect you with the individual/individuals/company/companies best equipped to educate and inspire your target audience.


Sam Bell, CISO, Edwards Performance Solutions
Board of Directors, Cybersecurity Association of Maryland, Inc. (CAMI)
CAMI Speakers Bureau Committee Chair

Request a Speaker