Advocacy Alert: Support the Cyber Maryland Program and Updates to SLED Cyber Bills

Next week, CAMI is testifying in-person to drive cybersecurity talent development and cyber resilience for Maryland state and local cybersecurity systems. We are asking our members to submit written testimony.


Cyber Maryland Program - March 6th

SB 801/HB 1189 will establish the Cyber Maryland Program, a vehicle for funds to implement the Talent Pipeline Management program in Maryland, and will provide the roadmap for future investment in workforce programs. We have the assets, we just need the coordination.

Workforace is a huge challenge, and we all have a role to play. There is a need for centralized, reliable data on cybersecurity workforce needs. This bill will fund the necessary research to create a roadmap for evidence-based, industry-driven training investments.

Instructions to Submit Testimony

1) Write a letter of support. We've drafted a template for your Senate and House submissions.

2) If needed, create a My MGA account.

3) On Monday, between 8 AM and 3 PM submit your written testimony via My MGA using the instructions listed here.

State and Local Cybersecurity - Revisions

Last year, the Maryland General Assembly passed the first comprehensive bills affecting the cybersecurity posture of our state and local agencies. These bills specifically allocated funds for updating systems, created critical support for local governments within the Maryaldn Department of Emergency Management, and provided governance guidance for state agencies.

One year later, SB 868/HB 1065 proposes revisions shaped by implementation lessons, to include:

- Updating the Modernize Maryland Commission composition to include additional representatives outside of government who have key expertise in cybersecurity and digital transformation.

- Codifying positions within the Department of Information Technology and the Department of Emergency Management to implement the bills.

- Updating expectations around cybersecurity preparedness for local governments and a statewide cybersecurity strategy to be implemented by the Department of Information and Technology.

Instructions to Submit Testimony - March 6th

1) Write a letter of support. We've drafted a template for your Senate and House submissions.

2) If needed, create a My MGA account.

3) On Monday, between 8 AM and 3 PM submit your written testimony via My MGA using the instructions listed here.