2024 Legislative Summary

In 2024, our overall strategy included several bills that revisited efforts to modernize State information technology and cybersecurity and closely tracking the growing interest in artificial intelligence. In fact, no less than 27 bills were introduced that touched on AI in one form or another.

SB982/HB1188 Modernization of Information Technology - Passed
This bill seeks to readdress questions left by the 2022 legislation. CAMI’s efforts kept the Modernize Maryland Commission in place, however, its status is more advisory in nature than oversight. Although the bill was successful, legislators grew concerned about some of the authorities granted under SB982 and we will likely be revisiting Modernize Maryland once again next year.

SB818/HB1271 AI Governance - Passed
CAMI provided testimony on the legislation which created governance policy for State use of AI. We expressed concerns about the ambiguity of the definitions and when the Senate made the definitions overly specific, CAMI worked to make sure that the House did not accept those definitions. In conjunction with the House Speaker’s office, the Senate President’s office, and the House sponsor, the House amended the bill to make the definitions of concern more palatable. As a result, DoIT will have more latitude in drafting regulations defining "High Risk" AI. This addresses a specific concern raised at our 2024 Legislative Reception - while we place a high priority on the security of AI-powered products and practices, governance that is too prescriptive will stifle innovation.

SB816 CyberMD Program - Passed
CAMI did not testify on this bill, but monitored it as it sought to revise the Cyber Maryland program and fund created in 2023. This was CAMI’s #1 priority last year. While the exact investment for FY2025 will be determined in conference, funding the collection and analysis of real-time industry data on workforce needs was determined to be a most pressing matter by the Senate. We were pleased to see this, as it continues to align with the chief need identified by our Center for Talent Acquisition Advisory Board - "dimensionalize the problem."

HB1128 Talent Innovation Fund - Passed
The Talent Innovation Fund supports the Talent Innovation Program at the Department of Labor. This was a departmental bill. Included in the bill is a program to support cyber range development and capital equipment. This program will likely support the MD EARN program, of which CAMI already is a grantee.

HB1294 Artificial IntelligenceTax Credit - Failed
HB1294 sought to provide an AI tax credit of $50. The funding source for this new tax credit was the appropriation for the Buy Maryland Cybersecurity Tax Credit. We opposed this bill, and will advocate for the modernization of the Buy Maryland Cybersecurity Tax Credit to stimulate uptake and make it more accessible to small businesses who need to improve their security posture.

SB692 Workgroup to Study Data Security - Failed - Budget Language
CAMI testified in support of this legislation. SB692 would have created a workgroup to study data security in state government. While the legislation was not successful, CAMI worked to incorporate some of the intent and tasks into budget language. The language restricts funds pending submission of a report by DoIT outlining a plan and timeline for completing a statewide asset inventory and risk assessment of the State’s legacy systems, among other assessments to promote data security of our State IT systems.